Thursday 18 May 2017

Managing Weight To Control High Blood Pressure

Losing even a few pounds may make a difference

Maintaining a healthy weight provides many health benefits. If you are overweight, losing as little as five to 10 pounds may help lower your blood pressure.
A little weight loss can bring a lot of health gains.
Being overweight puts you at greater risk of developing health problems.

A few great reasons to manage your weight:
  • Did you know you might experience health benefits from losing as few as 10 pounds? Even a small weight loss can help manage or prevent high blood pressure in many overweight people (those with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater)
  • Weight loss reduces the strain on your heart.
  • Being overweight puts extra strain on your heart, increasing the risk for developing high blood pressure and damage to your blood vessels that can lead to serious health threats.

If your doctor recommends that you lose weight, there’s a simple rule to follow: move more, eat less and make smarter food choices. Gradually increase your level of physical activity beyond lower the number of calories you take in and eat a healthy diet.

Increasing activity in order to lose weight you can then determine which dietary and fitness choices work best for maintaining your weight. 
A H A 

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